PPI #85: 3 Simple Ways to Help Recover From a Bad Day

Dec 04, 2020


  • You're letting bad days get the best of you. When you have a bad day, you simply take way too long to recover.
  •  Super simple short message today about how to recover from bad days. I want to give you three things that I always keep in mind to help me rebound much more quickly.  
  • Number one is to recognize that having a bad day is completely normal. If we're constantly measuring our success by only having great days, we are sure as heck setting ourselves up for failure.
  • Number two, remember to play the long game. The secret to a life with a wonderful positive trajectory or a business that is doing super well is to recognize that over a long period of time, having more winning days than bad is the goal.
  • And last but not least, when you do have a bad day, never have two in a row. Think very proactively, "What are the things that I could do today to make sure tomorrow is a rebound day?"
  • So try those three things to help you recover much more quickly from a bad day. Recognize that it's completely normal, play the long game, and make sure that you never have two in a row.


You're letting bad days get the best of you. When you have a bad day, you simply take way too long to recover. Today, I'm going to tell you three things that you can employ to recover more quickly from bad days so you can get back on track with those good days.

Hi, Eric Partaker here, author and Peak Performance Expert. Super simple short message today about how to recover from bad days. I want to give you three things that I always keep in mind to help me rebound much more quickly. 

Number one is to recognize that having a bad day is completely normal. If we're constantly measuring our success by only having great days, we are sure as heck setting ourselves up for failure. It's just not the reality of life. We have great days. We have mediocre days. We have bad days. But it's just how things flow. It's how the whole universe, how the whole world flows, up and down, and it's how our days flow as well. So recognize that it's completely normal to have a bad day. There is nothing out of the ordinary with that happening.

Number two, remember to play the long game. The secret to a life with a wonderful positive trajectory or a business that is doing super well is to recognize that over a long period of time, having more winning days than bad is the goal, right? So having more days that are going as well as you would like rather than the days that inevitably won't go as well as you like. So remember to play the long game. It's not about that specific moment or that day in question. Over a long period of time, am I doing the things such that the majority of my days have a chance to be good days versus bad?

And last but not least, when you do have a bad day, never have two in a row. What I mean is think about how to make the next day a rebound day. Whenever I have a bad day, I say, "Oh, that's fine. Tomorrow's going to be great. Tomorrow is just destined to be a great rebound day." And I think very proactively, "What are the things that I could do today to make sure tomorrow is a rebound day?" Stop for a moment and just think, "What are the conditions that enable a good day for you? How much sleep does a good day typically begin with? How do you start a good day? How does your morning typically, how is that structured? When does your day end? Is there exercise in your day or not? What is it that you're eating?”

You know the conditions that enable a good day. So when you're having a bad day, immediately zero in on "What are the conditions that I need to put in place so that tomorrow is a rebound day, such that I don't have two bad days in a row?" So try those three things to help you recover much more quickly from a bad day. Recognize that it's completely normal, play the long game, and make sure that you never have two in a row. If you have a bad day, make the next one a rebound day by employing the conditions that you know in your life lead to great days. So I hope you've enjoyed that, and if you head over to my [email protected], you can also subscribe to my weekly Peak Performance Insights newsletter.