PPI #69: What's Your #1 Start and Stop

Oct 23, 2020


  • In this episode, I'll give you a super simple technique you can use to upgrade your business and life. By doing this, you can zero in on what’s really important and take the action that will have the biggest impact on you. 
  • First, ask yourself, “What is the number one thing that I should start doing?” It doesn't have to be complicated and can be as straightforward as starting to exercise or to being more proactive with your loved ones.
  • The next thing you should do is ask yourself the opposite question: What is the number one thing that I should stop doing? Consider the bad habits holding you back and pick the one you think is having the biggest negative impact. 
  • Finally, try to engage the support of an accountability partner who can help you stick to your goal and track your progress overtime to keep yourself motivated. 


Today, I want to give you a super simple technique that you can use to upgrade your business or your life and it involves asking, "What's the number one thing you should start doing and what's the number one thing you should stop doing?"

So what's the number one thing you should start doing, and what's the number one thing you should stop doing? Now, when we're seeking to upgrade our business or life, often we make it way too complicated. We think of all the different things that we can be doing when here's the simple truth: If you really sit down and ask yourself or stand up or run or whatever, if you just simply ask yourself, "What's the number one thing in your life that you should start doing?” The number one thing where change would have the most positive impact, even if everything else stayed the same, what is that number one thing for you? Ask yourself right now. What's the number one thing, which if you change, would create a domino effect on other aspects of your life. Is it exercise? Is it eating better? Is it maintaining your cool at home better? Is it doing something more proactive for those who you love or care about?

If you ask yourself this question, the answer usually will come rushing right to you. And on the flip side of this coin, what's the number one thing that you should stop doing? Once again, if you think about the myriad of things that you could stop doing in life, you'll probably have a very long list. But if you really think about it, there's probably just one thing right now, the most important thing, which if you stop doing, would have the most significant impact on your life or maybe in the workplace. It could be that you stopped smoking. It could be that you stop eating so much sugar. It could be that you stopped starting your day in your inbox instead on your most creative quality work. What is it for you? What's the number one thing that you should stop doing? Those two together are two of your most powerful allies in improving your business or your life. Take your number one thing that you should start doing. The number one thing that you should stop doing and implement those today.

Pick an accountability partner, somebody that you can measure your progress, report your progress with, and you will see massive transformation, just starting those two things. Number one, stop, number one, start.