PPI #66: The Power of Bold Action

Oct 16, 2020


  • In this episode, I will introduce you to two simple things that you could be doing more regularly to increase your courage and to increase your courageous output. With every bold action you take and make, you are improving your process and you are getting ahead further and faster with a lot less effort.
  • In every business or project, you might find yourself sticking to the safe side and shying away from making a bold decision. While this is common, there are ways that can help you be more courageous and make the decision that your project needs.
  • The first thing to help you find your courage is to ask yourself on a daily basis, “What is one bold action that I can take today?” You can write it down, take note of it, and after that, schedule that one bold action into your day and make sure that it gets done. Just by thinking about the answer to this question, you are taking one step towards a more courageous mindset that will help you make courageous decisions.
  • The second step is to think about the difficult conversations you have buried in the past. Do you have a decision that you haven’t made because you’re scared? Do you have tough talks that you just expected to get resolved on their own? Are there any conversations that you have avoided? By logging these difficult conversations, you can practice facing them by summoning your most courageous self and asking yourself, “How do I approach this conversation?” Whatever answer or instructions you get from that version of yourself, listen, follow, and repeat.
  • If you keep asking yourself these questions on a daily basis, you will find yourself making bolder decisions in the future. Your courage will build over time, and through making these decisions will you lead a happier and more fulfilling life full of satisfying results.


One of the things that often comes up when I'm working with the CEOs and entrepreneurs that I coach is courage. A lot of them don't feel like they're taking enough courageous action in either their business or life. And today I'm going to introduce you to two simple things that you could be doing more regularly to increase your courage and to increase your courageous output so you can get ahead further and faster with a lot less effort.

Hi, I'm Eric Partaker and I help entrepreneurs and leaders scale up not just themselves, but also their companies and their wellbeing. And today I'm going to take you through a couple of things that you can be doing to increase your level of courage. Number one is to, on a daily basis, I do this every single morning, is to just ask yourself the simple question. What's one bold action that I could take today? What is one bold action that I could take today? That could be in your business, that could be in your life but just think about that question on a daily basis. Write down your answer and schedule it into your day and make sure it gets done. As you take bold action day after day after day, you will become a lot more courageous and be showing up in a completely different way.

The second thing that you can do is keep an eye out for difficult conversations. Those tough talks that we know we should be having, again in business or in life, but we tend to shy away from, that we hope they'll resolve themselves, that we've pushed off into the future. An incredible courage practice is to keep a log of the difficult conversations that you should be having, to note them, and then to summon your most courageous self and ask that version of you, how would you approach this conversation? And then whatever instructions you get from that version of you, listen and follow and repeat.

And if you do these two things over time on a daily basis, ask yourself, what's the bold action I could take today, or what's one bold action I could take today? And simultaneously, if you're always mindful of, are there any difficult conversations I should be having? Summon your most courageous self, step into them and have them. Do those two things and your courage will build over time. And as your courage builds, so will your happiness, your satisfaction, and your results.