PPI #61: 2 Simple Techniques To Be Happier
Oct 05, 2020SUMMARY
- In this episode, I'll give you the two simple techniques that will help you live a happier and more fulfilled life. People say that happiness is a choice, but I want you to see happiness as a feeling that you experience day in and day out.
- In the book The Top Five Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware, the number one regret that most people had was that they wished they allowed themselves to be happier. While we know happiness is a choice, do we really make sure that it happens?
- My first tip is, when you get out of bed in the morning as your feet touch the floor, tell yourself, “Today is going to be a great day.” It might sound simple, but saying that to yourself changes your mindset. You'll start the day with a smile and it completely changes the trajectory of your day.
- The second step is to ask yourself this at the end of the day: Did I do my best to be happy today? Then score yourself from 1 to 10, 10 being that you did your absolute best to be happy throughout the day.
- By doing these two simple steps, you will live a happier and more fulfilling life, thereby avoiding the number one regret of the dying.
In the book The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, the number one regret that emerged was that, "I wish I allowed myself to be happier." Look, we all know that happiness is a choice, but how do we actually make it happen? Today, I'm going to give you two super simple techniques that you can use on a daily basis to make happiness not just a choice, but a feeling that you experience day in and day out with more regularity.
Hi, my name is Eric Partaker and I help entrepreneurs and leaders reach their full potential in all that they're doing, not just in their companies, but also on the health and on the home front. And today we're talking about happiness. We all know that happiness is a choice. We've heard this before, or maybe you haven't heard that before, but the thing is that happiness is something that we can proactively create on a daily basis within us and not wait for it to happen to us. As I mentioned at the start of the video, in the book The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, the number one regret was, "I wish I had allowed myself to be happier." And we don't want to have that regret in our lives.
So, what are the two things that you can do on a daily basis? Number one, get into the habit of, as your feet touch the floor in the morning and as you're standing out of bed, just simply say the phrase to yourself, "Today is going to be a great day." I know that sounds silly and simple, but believe me, when you say that to yourself as a first thing to the start of your day, it makes you smile slightly and takes your day on a totally different trajectory. Now, to help remember that, you might put that up as a piece of paper somewhere near you as you're getting out of bed, but start each day simply by saying as your feet touch the floor, "Today is going to be a great day," and notice what happens to your mood from the morning thereafter.
The second thing that we can be doing on a daily basis is at the end of the day ask ourselves, "Did I do my best to be happy today?" And score yourself one to 10 on the answer. A 10 is you did your absolute best to be as happy as you could in the day. You couldn't have been happier, in the context of that day, of course. And a one is, “Oh, don't want to be around you.” You were just hating everything. Do these two techniques, one on the front end, "Today is going to be a great day," one on the back end, ask yourself, one to 10, "Did I do my best to be happy today?" And you will see a shift in your happiness day after day. And the happier we are, the more fulfilling our lives.