PPI #123: Think Big - The Power of Ambition

Mar 24, 2021


By the end of this episode, you'll know exactly why you should be thinking as big as possible so that you can tap into that power of ambition and reach your full potential, in your work and life.



Being Ambitious Forces You to Commit Before You Are Ready - Too much potential greatness in life is not realized because people sit back waiting to be ready. Being ambitious forces you to commit well before you are ready because you have no choice.

Being Ambitious Gets You To Dream - When you dream, powerful things can happen.

Ambition Increases Productivity - It forces you to become hyper aware of your time which causes you to cut out all the distracting behaviours and meaningless activity.

Ambition Inspires Bold Action - It builds courage and leads to your personal development.

Ambition Provides Personal Growth - When you think big you will be taken outside your comfort zone and that is how you grow.

Ambition Provides a Deeper Sense of Purpose - Which leads to a more fulfilling life.

Ambition Forces You to Take Massive Action - Massive action leads to massive results. This creates a fantastic work ethic. Ambition provides you with grit, perseverance and persistence.




Do you want to know why you should be thinking big, such that you can tap into the power of ambition? Well, by the end of this episode, you'll know exactly why you should be thinking as big as possible so that you can tap into that power of ambition and reach your full potential, in your work and life. Hi, my name is Eric Partaker and I've been recognized as one of the top entrepreneurs in the country, as well as the CEO of the year. And I'm also the author of two best-selling books, including The 3 Alarms.

So let's dive straight into why ambition can powerfully upgrade your life. Number one, thinking big, being ambitious forces you to commit before you are ready. So much potential greatness in the world isn't realized because people sit back waiting to get a little bit more ready. They're not quite there yet. They're not ready to launch their new idea. They're not ready to start working on that new thing. They're not ready to put themselves out there. But being ambitious, thinking big, it forces you to commit well before you're ready because you have no choice. The ambition is far exceeding where you currently are. So that's a powerful boost for your achievement in life because too much of things not achieved in life are a result of people feeling like they just aren't ready yet.

Number two, being ambitious gets you to dream, and when you dream, powerful things can happen. When we were building up Skype, before we sold it to eBay one of the things that we dreamed about was that the whole world could talk for free. And that created this revolutionary spirit inside the company. It made us think that we could conquer the world. And sure enough, we did that. We absolutely dominated the space that we operated in and we ended up selling to eBay for billions after achieving a huge chunk of that dream that we had set out for ourselves.

Number three, thinking ambitiously gets you to be more productive because it forces you to become hyper aware of your time because your goal is so big. And when we become hyper aware of our time, we start to cut out all that distracting behavior, all that meaningless activity, and we start to employ our effort and our resources on the things that matter most, which leads to a more fulfilling life in the end.

The number four reason I encourage you to think big and tap into that power of ambition is because it inspires bold action. When we have to take bold action, when we have to step out and do something that we didn't think ourselves capable of doing before, that builds courage. You know, a lot of people think that they need courage in order to do something, but the truth is, its by doing the things that we think require courage, that build the courage. We need to flip the script. We can't wait around, we need to take the bold action in order to build the courage that we're seeking. And as we become more and more courageous, we become able to take more and more bold action as we go. But that's all the result of thinking ambitiously. When we think big, when we tap into the power of ambition, we are more likely to want to and seek bold action to close the gap from where we are and where we'd like to be.

Number five reason to think big and tap into that power of ambition is because it leads to your personal development. When you think ambitiously, when you act in that way, you will most definitely be taken outside of your comfort zone. You'll be taking into that which will stress you and put a little bit of pressure and challenge on you, and that's precisely how we grow. It's no different from when we go to the gym and we exercise a muscle, that stressing the muscle leads to the muscles' growth. And in the same way, ambitious thinking leads to your personal development and growth. So yet another reason to think big and think ambitiously.

The number six reason why we should think big, think ambitiously is because it gives life a deeper sense of purpose. Right now, these days I'm on a mission to help more people realize their full potential. Why do I think that's a worthy mission? Because Abraham Maslow, he estimated, Abraham Maslow was a famous psychologist and he estimated that only 2% of people operate at their full potential, meaning that 98% of people are leaving something on the table. And my ambitious thought is to get more people into that 2% club, because if I can get more people operating at their full potential, we can solve the rest of the world's problems much more easily. This to me is the number one problem is that most of the world, the majority of people are not operating at their full potential. By thinking ambitiously, I have that courage to attack what is a massive problem. And as a result, it also gives my life a deep sense of purpose, knowing that I'm helping so many people along the way play a much bigger game and lead a more fulfilling life.

Number seven reason to think big and tap into that power of ambition is that by doing it, it forces you to take massive action and massive action leads to massive results. Number eight reason why you should be thinking big is because it creates a fantastic work ethic. It gives you that grit, that determination, that perseverance, that persistence in the face of difficulty to keep powering on, to keep powering through. And it's that effort at the end of the day, compounded over time, which leads to huge results. Just like interest compounds over time, so does effort and that leads to a deeper sense of reward, greater achievement and overall greater satisfaction.

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